Reflect on what you learned and enjoyed most from this part of the course and what you might use in the next section where you will choose the direction of your final assignment.
I have found this part of the unit to be very enjoyable due to the variety of tasks I was required to undertake. Some I have been more challenging than others, but I have learned a great deal in each one.
The only one that I would say was more difficult to be enthusiastic about was the reportage illustration exercise, but I still gained skills from the experience.
I particularly liked the caricature, superhero and autobiographical exercises, but my favourite part was the final assignment – I could have spent weeks working on it!
My drawing skills have definitely been enhanced and developed over the course of this section as I was required to create such a range and I mostly stuck to my objective of working analogously, although I have also begun to develop a workable blend with digital, such as seen in the final assignment. I have discovered new techniques, such as utilising my lightbox to ensure the drawings are balanced, which has been incredibly helpful.
Another significant impact from this part of the unit has been the strict deadlines I have had to impose on myself due to the looming deadline I have for the Level 1 timeframe. There was a lot of work to get through in this section and I had to really turbo boost my efforts. It meant I had to be focused and decisive, so I was very pleased that I managed to keep to the deadlines I created.
I will certainly be taking all of this through to the final section of this unit and it will surely be of benefit as I approach Assignment 5, which I currently have some vague ideas for.