Assignment 1 Part 1: Getting Started

Assignment 1: Say Hello

Brief Assignment 1 required me to introduce myself by creating a greeting card, showing my interests and inspirations, the materials I feel happy working with and maybe what I would like to get from the course. The artwork could be in any size, format and created using any materials. Initial Thoughts I procrastinated a great […]

Part 1: Getting Started

Exercise 2: Getting the Gist

Brief This exercise required me to choose an editorial from a newspaper or magazine. I had to read the article several times, highlighting key words/phrases that summed up the meaning of the text as a whole until this could be condensed to a single word or phrase. This process made me focus on the message […]

Part 1: Getting Started

Exercise 1: The History of Illustration

Brief This exercise was an introduction to the history of illustration over the past 5o years. I was asked to select two illustrators, one from a list provided and another contemporary illustrator of my choice, and then compare them with regards to the style, production methods and historical and cultural context. Choosing the Artists Unfortunately […]